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Rebecca began writing poetry in her teens, abandoned it as ‘not something people did’, then three decades later facing the unexpected death of her husband, Caspar Althaus, a stone mason and sculptor, turned back to it as the only sane response to what was happening.


After studying Philosophy & Literature at The University of Warwick she travelled extensively, worked as a body therapist and teacher, and lived with Caspar in a Victorian walled garden which they restored and where they built an off-grid home.


Her collection ‘Burying Your Body’ is set in the walled garden and was written during and after a Creative Writing MA at Bath Spa University, where she received a distinction.


She is currently editing the collection, poems from which have appeared in The North, Tears in the Fence and Raceme. A section from ‘Burying Your Body’ was highly commended in The Poetry Business 2021 International Book & Pamphlet Competition. 


She now lives on Penwith moor at the far end of Cornwall where she hosts a retreat space, The Alt Haus, for other writers.



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